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Emma decides it's time to go separate ways with her boyfriend of 5 years. There's more to salvage from her relationship with her pet Goldfish than with him.
In this short horror, Nadine shares her isolating experience post-delivery.
Ricki tries to keep up with her husband's shenanigans in this horror-comedy.
'Bea' Clips - "The Retreat"
A perspective of one of the #Firefour 
Dramatic Reel 
Compilation of Dramatic Footage. 
Eugenia is a suspect after her husband is killed.
'Bea' Monologues - "The Retreat"
A perspective of one of the #Firefour 
Comedic Reel 
Compilation of Comedic Footage. 

Comedy Clips

Make Yoga Great Again clips

This gang of outcasts join yoga for the first time and politics makes their transition a little ugly. 

First Kiss - The Lost Takes (a parody)

Meet one of the pairs that didn't make the final cut. :-/

Drama Clips

Love Unrequited, Will Kill You. 


Silent one character film.

"Anthology Post-Funeral Scene


Former friends, Ricki and Ashley R. expose their true thoughts and feeling of each other.

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